Astrology Consultations
Work with the Cosmos, putting the celestial winds at your back. While we’ll look at the potentials in your natal chart, the focus of consultations is on what’s going on now, particularly in the next 6 – 12 months. Click Here for More Information and to Order a Consultation.
Astrological Coaching
Turn Insights Into Action!
While we can often accomplish a great deal in a single session, astrological coaching offers us the chance to explore one or two matters in depth over the course of 3 or more sessions. Click Here for More Information on Astrological Coaching.
Separating Aspects: The Astrology of Breakups, Divorce, and Other Partings
More than an astrological take on separations and divorce, Separating Aspects is a comprehensive guide to relationship astrology. Different relationship patterns are described, as well as how to apply these to each partner and the relationship as a whole. Changes and transitions in partnership are analyzed in terms of the four outer planets: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Opportunities for growth as well as challenges are outlined in practical terms. Available on Amazon (Kindle version is also available!) and most online retailers throughout the world.
Click here to order on Amazon!
Transpersonal Astrology: Explorations at the Frontier
A collection of seventeen essays on transpersonal astrology, this book is filled with ideas that will stimulate not only astrologers but anyone interested in consciousness and this time in our planet’s evolution.