January of 2025 certainly had its share of upheavals – we weren’t a whole day into the year before we started to get signals about what’s coming. March will begin a whirlwind of eclipses and sign changes that will make for yet another charged springtime.
Yet February doesn’t want to be outdone. As the shortest month of the year, perhaps it tries harder. This month, Jupiter and Mars change direction, plus we have always-energized Leo Full Moon.
Rather than do a detailed forecast, I’m opting for just a few highlights in the astrological weather. My regular weekly updates on YouTube, plus my regular posts on Evolve+ and BlueSky (and, for the time being, Facebook) help to fill in the details in smaller, digestible bites – although indigestion is a distinct possibility. To tell the truth, a month is just too long a period of time to provide all the relevant information… I myself forget a lot of what I write in these forecasts!
The month begins coming off of the high energy of the Uranus station on January 30th, a time when folks are looking for their independence and asserting their individuality. This blends nicely with Jupiter’s station to go direct on February 4th. Jupiter stations fill us with optimism and hope for the future, something we can probably appreciate right now (although remember that everyone gets the same vibe).
On February 1st, Venus meets with Neptune at the end of Pisces, putting relationships into soft focus, and opening up possibilities for seeing things as much better or worse than we usually would. That goes for partnerships, but also for values and valuations in general – a little caution is advised when it comes to purchases, especially of luxury items. Venus then goes into Aries on the 4th, suggesting an upbeat and outgoing tone for socializing for the next few weeks. However, her impending retrograde signals that things may not flow as smoothly as we would like.
All in all, the first week of the month looks to feature a fiery enthusiasm and a more outgoing vibe than we’ve had in a while.
Things get exciting around the Leo Full Moon on the 12th. From the 10th to the 12th the Sun, Moon and Mercury come into alignment with revolutionary Uranus. The Leo Full Moon is always the Party Moon of the year, and this year you can expect quite a display of energy, with more than a few surprises. It could be a good idea to celebrate Valentine’s Day a few days early this year… although with Uranus offering surprises, you may also want to wait for the mellower energy later in the week.
The next period that deserves special attention is the 23rd through the 25th. Mars turns direct, ending his retrograde that began in early December. At the same time, Truth-Teller asteroid Pallas Athene meets with Pluto while Cosmic Messenger Mercury has a confab with Saturn. It should be a time when some hard truths are spoken, at both the personal and collective levels.
Mars moving direct is a signal that things will start moving faster. There should be less frustration in the air, but potentially more contention, too. It’s good to give Mars a few days to get up to speed before starting a new exercise program, beginning a job, or engaging in other Martial activities.
As the month ends, the Pisces New Moon is on the 27th is a time of quiet reflection – if you can manage it. Venus is turning retrograde on March 1st, so it maybe time to start focusing inward and backing away from some social demands.