Things are a little unsettled this March, a month that comes in like a Lion and goes out like a Dragon.
Mercury has entered the shadow of his retrograde as the month begins, turning around on March 14th for a retrograde that will last until mid-April. Adding to the confusion that the retrogrades usually bring, the Cosmic Messenger is meeting the Neptune at the very end of Pisces, on March 2nd and again at the solar eclipse on the 29th. Issues that come up early in the month may peak as March ends, and might have to wait until the time around April 17th for resolution.
Throughout the month, Mars is “out of bounds”, beyond the orbit of the Sun. Although he’s moving direct after his retrograde, he’s in a sign that he doesn’t really like (Cancer). Add together the out-of-bounds with the sign placement, and many folks will be feeling especially prickly this month – although those with strong placements like Sun or Ascendant in Aries or Scorpio may take the brunt of this energy.
We’re also in eclipse season all month. As March begins, we build towards the lunar eclipse (23 Virgo) on the 14th. Lunar eclipses are powerful full moons, that bring things to light. Yet with Mercury stationing to retrograde at the same time, the information we receive may be inaccurate or distorted.
The Sun enters Aries at 5:01a Eastern Daylight Time on March 20th, marking the Spring Equinox for those of us above the equator (and the Autumnal Equinox for those below). Sol will be above the horizon more than half the day, and the days are getting longer rapidly.
At the solar eclipse on the 29th (8 Aries), Mercury is again threatening confusion, as he has his second meeting with Neptune, who is at the very last degree and minute of his home sign of Pisces.
The big new of the month, believe it or not, has to wait until the 30th, when Neptune enters Aries. The last time the god of the seas was in this sign was from 1861 to 1875, a time period that should resonate as significant especially for readers in the U.S.. How we handle things this time around is an open question, and the stakes are very high.
There’s more going on in March – catch up with weekly updates and expanded coverage of the eclipses and Neptune ingress on my YouTube channel.
And to help you deal with things on a more personal level, email me for a consultation.