Forecast by Armand Diaz
June’s astrology encourages a laid-back, relaxed approach this year. The month begins with some hiccups, then opens up for a brief period of activity before Neptune takes over and begins to fog us out. Make the most of the period between the 6th and 14th if you need to get things done.
Mercury stations direct on the 3rd, followed by Saturn stopping to retrograde just a day later. As we’re still coming out of the new moon, you might take the earliest days of the month to step back and catch your breath. Be sure to allow plenty of extra time (and patience).
By the time we reach the first quarter moon on the 7th, however, we’re back up to full speed. Impulsive Uranus meets with truth-teller Pallas Athene on the 6th, while Mars squares Ceres. Mercury also makes a trine to Pluto, helping us to clear up issues that could go back as far as late April. When there’s a truth to be told, you won’t find folks holding back with these aspects in place.
As we approach mid-month, things get spicy indeed. It’s Venus’ turn to meet with Uranus on the 11th, suggesting that we try something or someone different in our relationships. Mercury steps into his home sign of Gemini on the 13th, followed by the full moon in Sagittarius on the 14th. It’s a sociable – and hopefully fun – part of the month.

Allow serendipity to reign on the 15th through the 16th, as the Sun squares Neptune. This is a slippery sort of aspect that could have the most honest of us bending the truth for the sake of a good story. It’s a great time to go on an adventure (the Sagittarius full moon encourages it, too), or to get lost in a fantasy. On the other hand, it’s an extraordinarily bad time to make serious decisions or commit to a course of action.
A more sober approach dominates from the 18th to the 21st, as Venus squares Saturn and then trines Pluto. In relationships, creativity, and finance, this could be the time when we feel the need to make a firm commitment. Allow the period to unfold and make decisions as late within it as possible. An easy Venus/Neptune sextile on the 19th will help to soften the Saturn/Pluto glare, at least a little.
The Sun enters Cancer on the 21st at 5:13 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, marking the peak of his long trek northwards and the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere.
Venus glides into Gemini on the 22nd, bringing a somewhat flirty vibe to our socializing. It’s the season of rooftop parties, backyard barbeques, and boozy brunches. Take a lighter approach to partnership, and enjoy the decisions you’ve made in recent days.
Neptune stations to retrograde on the 28th, fogging out the surrounding days. Once again, it’s time for fantasy over practicalities, and hopefully your summer agenda will oblige. It’s an absolutely terrible time for making realistic plans. Journey. Fantasize. Meditate.
Neptune is retrograde for about five months each year so his reversal doesn’t affect us much, but the time around his stations are quite murky. The second half of June and into early July is in a sense dominated by the god of the seas and an indication that we’ve done what we can and now need to go with the flow.
The 28th is also the day of the new moon in Cancer, yet another indication that it’s time to step back and let the world take care of itself. Yet as June ends, we feel the pull of a Mars/Pluto square on July 1st, calling us back into action.