June 2024 Astrology Forecast – Solstice Time

This June begins with a flurry of ideas, a Mercurial festival of communication. We begin coming off of a meeting of Mercury with Uranus and Pallas Athene on May 31st, giving us the energy to innovate and share our ideas – even uncomfortable ones.

Remember that the dates given are for the peak of energy of each aspect – the feel builds in the day(s) before and lingers for some time afterwards.

The Cosmic Messenger then saunters into his home sign of Gemini on the 3rd, joining the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter. Within a day, he trines Pluto and meets with Jupiter, suggesting that we’re ready to speak the truth, at least as we see it. We also have an opposition of Uranus and Pallas Athene on tap in the first week of June, another aspect that is likely to show up as the delivery of inconvenient truths.

Towards mid-month, Mercury squares Saturn on the 12th, an aspect that would usually indicate restrictions and limitations, but is more likely to result in the generation of multiple possibilities given the dual signs of Gemini and Pisces. This aspect will also help us to develop practical applications for what might otherwise just be good ideas.

Along the way, we have the Gemini New Moon on the 6th, a signal that it’s time to socialize and connect with friends and community.

The Cosmic Weather begins to change as we approach the 17th, Mercury squares Neptune. This begins a turn towards a more Piscean vibe that will prevail through early July. From the 16th through the 22nd, take a break from practical decisions and step back from technology: after a very Mercurial start to the month we can probably appreciate a little break. Treat this time like a mini-Mercury retrograde. Just a couple of hours after the square is exact, Mercury wades into Cancer, where a more emotional tone prevails in our communication.

StonehengeThe Cancer Solstice (Summer Solsticefor those of us in the Northern Hemisphere) is on June 20th at 3:50p Eastern Time (12:50p Pacific, 8:50p UK/Ireland, 19:50 GMT). The Sun reaches his northernmost position, having completed his long climb up from the Capricorn Solstice six months ago. This is a peak in the solar cycle, a turning point in the year. This year, the Sun is closely square to Neptune, who is just 8 minutes of arc away from the end of his home sign of Pisces. The solstice is also just a day before the Full Moon.

In short, energy will be running very high around this time (especially from the 18th through the 22nd). There will be a lot of activity, but it may be based on unrealistic assumptions and perceptions. This is most likely to play out in the collective, but it will also affect many of us on a more local level. The third week of June is great for imagination and creativity, meditation and retreat – but it isn’t ideal for practicalities.

A somewhat more practical vibe ends the month as Saturn stations to retrograde on the 29th. From the 27th through the 30th, it’s time to shoulder responsibilities and work as diligently as possible (despite setbacks and delays). Put in some effort, even if you don’t see immediate results. However, it’s also important to get enough rest and not burn out, as Saturn stations often correspond to lowered resistance. With Neptune also stationing in just a few days (July 2nd), the potential for minor bugs to be going around at this time is somewhat higher than usual.

For those focused on relationships, June certainly has its share of spicy aspects. On the 1st, Venus squares partnership asteroid Juno, suggesting some potential conflicts between what we want and what we have. In the sign of Gemini, Venus is looking for a lighter, flirty kind of feel, while Juno in Virgo is unlikely to approve of Venus’ speed-dating approach.

The meeting of the Sun and Venus on the 4th is a soothing aspect that should be good for relationships, socializing, and even finance.

As Venus squares Saturn on the 8th, we’re again looking for practical answers to our relationship questions: “just what’s going on here?” Yet once again the slippery energies of Gemini and Pisces could mean that we generate more possibilities than answers.

The Goddess of Love joins the Piscean parade on the 16th with a square to Neptune. This aspect can be truly lovely, as it puts our romance into soft focus. We are willing to play with possibilities and imagine all kinds of outcomes. Especially with the dual sings of Gemini and Pisces involved, we can envision multiple paths to the future. Yet this is a time to let serendipity rule and go with the flow – see which potentials emerge into reality rather than trying to choose for yourself.

Having met with the God of the Seas, Venus submerges herself into Cancer in the early hours of the 17th. In the sign of the crab, Venus is more traditional. Less about brunch with friends or rooftop parties, Venus in Cancer is about family reunions, backyard barbecues, and, of course June weddings.

A nice sextile Mars is her last aspect this month, on the 28th. With Mars in her home sign of Taurus, we might expect that passion and feelings are on the same page, and it’s a good time for the spicier side of romance. Saturn’s station to retrograde at the same time may or may not provide a wet blanket (or cold shower).

General forecasts like this are helpful, but you’ll get the most out of astrology with a personal consultation – email me for more information.