Revolutionary Uranus is the star of the show in November, suggesting that brilliant ideas and unexpected changes are ahead. Yet along with innovation and change, there’s also some potential for impatience and impulsivity with this hard-to-contain energy. If you’re looking for changes in your life, November could be your opportunity period, but if clinging to the status quo is more to your liking, there could be some challenges.
In a way, November’s cosmic energy mirrors that of August (which seems a long time ago, perhaps), as there’s an urge for freedom and movement. However, what was an internal motivation in August comes back in the form of connection – and maybe confrontation – with others this month.

Get ready to bring things to a conclusion as the month begins. As we wane into the Scorpio New Moon on November 4th, it’s time to let go of things that no longer serve you. This is a deeply transformative new moon, especially following so closely on Halloween/All Souls Day/Samhain. The challenge is to let go of the past while having faith in the future. Faith, but not knowledge, for the transformative process is always a little uncertain.
It’s especially uncertain this year, as this new moon is closely opposed by revolutionary Uranus (four minutes of arc, or 1/5400 of the zodiac). The potential for the somewhat implosive energy of the new moon is externalized by Uranus, suggesting a powerful tension-and-release scenario.
During the first few days of the month, Mercury aspects Jupiter and Pluto for the third time. Matters that were up in the air since around the third week in September and through his retrograde, can finally be resolved now.
Mercury and Mars both square Saturn on the 10th. Saturn in Aquarius is sticking to principles and ideals, while in Scorpio Mercury and Mars are more inclined to opt for personal security. What’s best for the group or society may not sit well with those concerned with their own individual situations. This is a good time to focus on a single project, and avoid multitasking.
Mercury goes on to oppose Uranus on the 13th, and Mars follows on the 17th. What appeared as constraints just a few days earlier can be replaced by a sense of freedom and a strong desire for change. We could have brilliant ideas, perhaps as a result of collaboration. With the Sun square to Jupiter on the 15th, the second week of November is likely to feel like ‘go time’ for many of us. Watch out for impulsivity and low patience at mid-month.
Intensity builds as we approach the Taurus Full Moon on the 19th. What was seeded back at the new moon will begin to manifest around this time. The Moon is closely conjunct the star Caput Algol (the Medusa’s head), and it’s also a lunar eclipse. I would expect the time between the 18th and 20th to be an active and somewhat difficult period, especially on the collective level. In our personal lives, we may see issues coming to a head, and it could be hard to contain our emotions.
The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 21st, which might help lighten the mood, as will Mercury’s entry into the sign on the 24th. As we’re in eclipse season, we’ll see increased polarization around belief systems, but we’ll also have the opportunity to take a broader view of things.
The last week of the month represents a relative lull, although the time between eclipses is rarely quiet.